From the type selector, select any of the types available for Door_Single Panel family.Alternatively, use “DR”as keyboard shortcut.Click Architecture tab -> Build panel -> Door.To customize the door sizes and create new door types:.Now, before we add the doors into our model, we must create the Door types with the specific sizes as required for our project.The family has been loaded into the project.If you do not find this path when you need it, try to locate it on your PC at : %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Autodesk\RVT 2019\Libraries (If you cannot still find the location of your family library, please see this Video Tutorial: Locating your family folder ) Note: By default, Revit will navigate to the library where default Autodesk families are stored.Navigate to the folder where you have downloaded and saved the Door_Single Panel.rfa (If you do not have this file yet, please download it from here).Click Insert tab -> Load from Library panel -> Load Family.Doors are loadable families which means we will first need to load the family of the doors from the library (if it is not already loaded in your project).Navigate to the floor plan of “00 Ground Level”.This project file already contains walls in the Basement and Ground Floor levels. Open tutorial file ‘TutorialDoors_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt’ in Revit.Door Family files: “Door_Single Panel.rfa” and “Door_Entrance.rfa”.“TutorialDoors_Input_LearningRevitOnline.rvt”.If you do not have the following files, please download them from here. Door_Entrance: 1.50 x 2.63 m (at the entrance of the residence).Door_Single Panel: 0.9 x 2.1 m (all doors except the entrance door).Add doors of following types in the Ground Floor layout as shown below:.